MotoGP’s Logistical Challenge: From Misano to Mandalika in Just Day
18. 09. 2024 12:00 CET
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MotoGP’s Logistical Challenge: From Misano to Mandalika in Just Day

Eliška Ryšánková

News.GP journalist who’s all about the thrilling worlds of MotoGP and Formula 1.

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Following the cancellation of the Kazakhstan Grand Prix, MotoGP faces a tight schedule to transport all equipment from Italy’s Misano circuit to Indonesia’s Mandalika for back-to-back races. Dorna's logistics team, led by Carles Jorba, has crafted a precise plan to ensure everything is ready on time, despite the 12,000 km journey.

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The distance between Misano’s Simoncelli circuit in Italy and Indonesia’s Mandalika circuit is about 12,000 km. While the distance itself isn’t remarkable, moving all the equipment, including bikes from all three categories and Dorna’s gear, presents a significant logistical challenge.

Due to the cancellation of the Kazakhstan Grand Prix, the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix at Misano was added to replace it. The challenge arises in moving the event to the next race in Indonesia the following week. Dorna’s logistics team, led by Carles Jorba, has devised a detailed plan to ensure the equipment reaches Lombok in time for the race.

The operation will begin immediately after the MotoGP race at Misano, with trucks loading the equipment and driving six hours to Malpensa airport in Milan. From there, five Boeing 777s, supplied by Qatar Airways, will transport the cargo to Lombok. This switch from Boeing 747s to 777s is expected to reduce emissions by 30%, as the newer planes use fewer engines.

The first plane is scheduled to leave Milan on Monday, stopping in Doha before landing in Lombok on Tuesday. The final plane is expected to arrive by Wednesday afternoon, after which the equipment will be transported by small trucks to the Mandalika circuit.

Jorba emphasizes the importance of coordination between staff, operators, and external factors. Past delays, such as a plane issue in 2022 that led to the cancellation of a day in Argentina, remind him of the risks involved. However, he remains confident in the plan and believes no problems will arise.

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